August Invitation
Enter the Ark
During the month of August, the Church honors the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
Let us pray,
Dear Blessed Mother, Ark of The New Covenant, lovingly harbor and cover me as you did Jesus within your Sacred womb where my heart is being formed to beat with Your Immaculate Heart, and the Sacred Heart of
Jesus. You who every generation calls Blessed, teach me to love God with a love as pure and ardent as Your Immaculate Heart.
We ask this through Christ, our Lord. Amen.
What Does It Mean To Enter The Ark?
St. John Damascene uses a good comparison of the Blessed Virgin Mary to a firm anchor which holds souls fast and saves them from shipwreck in the raging seas of the world where so many people perish through lack of such a firm anchor. "We fasten souls," he said, "to Mary, our hope, as to a firm anchor." It was to Mary that the saints who attained salvation most firmly anchored themselves as did others who wanted to ensure their perseverance in holiness.
Blessed, indeed, are those Christians who bind themselves faithfully and completely to her as to a secure anchor! The violent storms of the world will not make them flounder or carry away their heavenly riches. Blessed are those who enter into her as into another Noah's ark! She always loves those who love her, not only with deep affection, but with a love that is active and generous. By an abundant outpouring of grace she keeps them from relaxing their effort in the practice of virtue or falling by the wayside through loss of divine grace.
Mary, The Ark
If the ark of the Covenant, by God's design, was to be made of pure gold and incorruptible wood, and not to be touched because of the presence of the Lord, how much holier and pure would God have created his own Mother?
Not only did Mary conceive Our Lord as a virgin, but like my niece who just took her final vows including chastity, as a Dominican Sister, Mary has drawn others to her purity – inviting young virgins to dedicate themselves entirely to God – as well as those who regain their purity – as did the biblical figure of Mary Magdalen – to be forgiven and become pure once more.
The Ark Today
On Dec. 30, 1989 in the approved apparitions of San Nicolas, Argentina Our Lord Jesus Christ, himself, reminds us:
“Before, the world was saved by means of Noah’s Ark; today the Ark is My Mother. Through Her, the souls will be saved, because She will bring them toward Me.”
Friends, She is bringing you closer than you have ever been to Her Son and the Triumph of Her Immaculate Heart!