Tuesday, May 19, 2015 Thanks be to God! Jesus - The Divine Mercy Foundation's 1st official Family Eucharistic Holy Hour (“FEHH”) came to fruition!
Under the fine music direction of Mrs. Irene Rosati, assisted by the eight Color Core Knights of Columbus, Rev. Kenneth R. Keene led the procession into the church as the students reverently carried the statue of Mary, Ark of The New Covenant and icon; Virgin Mary of Nazareth, Ark of The New Covenant, Throne of The Divine Mercy Incarnate. Fr. Ken began solemn Exposition of The Most Blessed Sacrament. The Theme Song, Jesus, Friend of Children, was sung and together everyone prayed the Consecration of the Family to The Divine Mercy. The 8th graders assisted in cantering and instruction as The Divine Mercy Chaplet was prayed/sung in reverent motion.