We all began as a preborn baby in our mother’s womb. Our birthdays mark a day to thank God and our parents for the gift of life and to reflect on the fact that (to quote Pope Emeritus Benedict XVl,) “Each of us is the result of a thought of God. Each of us Is willed. Each of us is loved and each of us is necessary.” I hope you will take the time to read this article about Preborn Jesus Ministry, the apostolate I founded through His grace. Amazingly, the article went to print on the vigil of my Birthday ( My Birthday is July 25, which is also the Feast day of St. James who my son James is named after.) The original article first appeared on the National Catholic Register website a few weeks ago. I was contacted by my web designer who informed me that the article was read internationally in 35countries, and that a recent video clip of the statue was viewed by nearly 85,000 people. Your prayers mean so much for the work God has called me to do for life and for helping us to learn why He has chosen His Mother as the Ark of The New Covenant to lead us in the battles our world is faced with today. .
“Then God’s Temple In Heaven Was Opened And The Ark Of His Covenant Was Seen Within His Temple…And A Great Sign Appeared In Heaven, A Woman Clothed With The Sun, With The Moon Under Her Feet And On Her Head A Crown Of Twelve Stars.” (Revelation 11:19,12:1)