Arrived on April 24, 2015. On April 25, our day began with Holy Mass at St. James Church in Medjugorje. Then the 4 hr. climb up Mt. Kreiz, "Virgin Mary of Nazareth, Ark of The New Covenant, Throne of The Divine Mercy Incarnate." People from all over the world were touched by this icon. We prayed the Rosary, sang songs, prayed and sang the Divine Mercy Chaplet.
Providentially, we arrived at the White Cross at 3 pm! The painting is placed at the base of the cross.
Our God of surprises provided us with the miracle photos to end this glorious day by confirming Heaven's desire to use this precious icon for the Glory of God and His unfathomable Divine Mercy. His Shekinah Glory came down upon Mary, Ark of The New Covenant as it came down upon the Ark of the Old Testament!
See amazing photos of the sun! We prayed for all our friends and family.